How to Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

June 02, 2024

Smart Filters is a module of Crocoblock Wizards, used to create advanced filters in WordPress.

Today, I’m going to show how we can build a Post Title Filter. Here, I’m using “Job” which is Custom Post Type (CPT).

Step 01: Creating Query using JetEngine Query Builder:

As, I’m showing with Job, so first I need to build a query for Job Title to get values from the database.

We need to go to WP Dashbaord> JetEngine> Query Builder> Add New
Write down the following properties

Properties: General Settings Section

Query Name: Job Title Query
Query Type: Posts Query

Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

General Settings | JetEngine Query Builder


Properties: Post Query Section

Post Type: Jobs (or select your desired CPT)
Post Status: Published (as I want to filter only for those Jobs which are published)
Optional: Set Pagination or Author (If needed)

Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Pst Query Section | JetEngine Query Builder


Save the query

Now, need to save the query by clicking the “Add Query” button on the right side under the Actions.

Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Save Query | JetEngine Query Builder


Preview Results

We can see if this query works or not by enabling “Preview results”.

Here, 65 results are found which are already published

Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Preview Results | JetEngine Query Builder


Step 02: Creating Filter using JetEngine Smart Filters:

We need to go to WP Dashboard > Smart Filters > Add New

Write down the following properties


Filter Name: Post Title
Filter Type: Checkboxes List
Data Source: JetEngine Query Builder
Select Query: Post Title Query (This is the query we build in the first step)
Property to get Value from: ID
Property to get Label from: post_title
Query Variable: hidden_post_id
Smart Filters: Jobs
Active Filter Label: Jobs

Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Creating Filter | Smart Filters


Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Creating Filter | Smart Filters


Step 03: Implementation

We can implement the filter using Gutenberg, Elementor or Brick Builder. Here, I’m using Elementor.

Page/Template > New > Edit with Elementor > Container > Checkboxes Filter > Save > Preview 


Create a Dropdown Post Title Filter Using Smart Filters

Dropdown Job Title Filter



Md Sohanur Rahman Sakib

For me, life is like a line. Line of a circle where my presence is just like a dot. A dot, which has value or maybe hasn't!


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